NCMM Alumni: Andrea Cremaschi

Dr Andrea Cremaschi is currently a Senior Research Fellow at the Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences (SICS), A* STAR, Singapore. He was a postdoc in the Taskén group at NCMM and the Institute of Cancer Research from 2016 until July 2019.

Profile photo of Andrea wearing a blue shirt

Dr Andrea Cremaschi. Photo: A*STAR

Andrea Cremaschi left NCMM/Institute of Cancer Research in 2019 to take up a postdoc position at Yale-NUS College, Singapore. 

Andrea obtained both a Bachelor and Master degree in Mathematical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan (Politecnico di Milano). He then completed his PhD in Statistics at the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Kent, UK. His main research interests include both the methodological and applied aspects of statistics, particularly within the Bayesian framework. Bayesian statistics is a theory in the field of statistics based on the Bayesian interpretation of probability, and it provides the tools with which to update prior beliefs in the evidence of new data.

Most recently, Andrea has focused on modelling data presenting deviations from standard assumptions, with sparse dependence structure and group-specific attributes, aiming at the flexible inclusion of mixed-type covariates into the analysis. These features are often encountered in biomedical studies due to the complex phenomena typically investigated. In his work conducted at SICS A*STAR, Andrea focuses on the applications and implementations of advanced, often semi-parametric, Bayesian models. 

Commenting on his time as a postdoc at NCMM, Andrea says

"My postdoc allowed me to expand my knowledge of Biostatistics and biomedical applications. I benefitted from being able to contribute to the research environment by providing useful analytic insights into data. At NCMM, I was able to focus on the analysis of dose-response data derived from cancer patients." 

"This time was pivotal in helping me to build my research interests, as I was able to provide useful statistical insights into data collected as part of our group’s research projects. My time at NCMM was valuable and certainly helped guide me to where I am today."

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Published Sep. 15, 2021 11:50 AM - Last modified May 10, 2022 11:45 AM