NCMM Alumni: Ettore Tiraboschi

Dr Ettore Tiraboschi is currently a senior researcher at the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, The University of Trento, Italy. He was a postdoc in the Esguerra group at NCMM from 2015 until 2018.  

A photo of Ettore Tiraboschi. He's standing in from of a mountain on a sunny day. He's wearing a yellow jacket, shorts, red shoes and a red headband

Photo: Dr Ettore Tiraboschi

Ettore obtained a PhD in Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology from the University of Milan. He got in touch with Dr Camila V. Esguerra through a former colleague who worked in the Hurtado group at NCMM.  He then moved to NCMM to work with Dr Esguerra when she was in the process of starting up her new lab. 

Commenting on his time as a postdoc at NCMM, Ettore says: 

-    Among the aspects I enjoyed the most was the friendly and easy-going environment of the institute. A second was the administrative and technical support to my work that I received from non-scientific staff and their friendliness - Carlos, Gang, Melaku (to name a few) and all the others. 

Ettore came to NCMM as an experienced researcher, having had a 20-year career in science already. His time at NCMM gave him the opportunity to further expand his competencies. He is now a senior researcher at the University of Trento, Italy where he is investigating how the honeybee brain encodes olfactory and mechanical stimuli. 

Although their research interests have diverged, Ettore is still in touch with Camila from time to time to discuss current projects and to share data. 

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Published June 16, 2022 3:16 PM - Last modified June 16, 2022 3:29 PM