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Virtual Innovative Biomedical Education in Science (VIBES)

VIBES is a virtual laboratory practical training platform designed to teach students a broad range of biomedical experimental methods. UiO is a VIBES project partner.


About the project

The primary goal of the project is to create a platform that will provide students and teaching professionals with tools to maintain high standards of practical training in times of educational instability (e.g., the need for remote teaching as a result of a global pandemic).

It is consistent with the European Commission's Education and Training Program objectives. VIBES will specifically contribute to the formation of innovative European educational and scientific partnerships to design and implement student training using high-quality standardized materials required for the development of sustainable educational models embedded with curricula.

As project partner, UiO will contribute with teaching videos on the use of the zebrafish model organism for biomedical research, and an international glossary of biomedical and embryological terms. 


Specific contribution to project objectives by the University of Oslo

  1. Interactive experimental laboratory teaching videos on the use of the zebrafish model organism for biomedical research:

    • zebrafish care and husbandry

    • developmental staging of zerafish embryos and larvae (in collaboration with Medical University of Lublin, Poland)

    • histological methods for visualizing gene expression patterns (in collaboration with KU Leuven, Belgium)

    • toxicological analysis of drug candidates

    • cell transplantations

  2. Comprehensive glossary of biomedical and biotechnological terms used in the project (in collaboration with all partners, UiO is work package lead)

Overall objectives of the project

  1. address the common needs and priorities in the field of biomedical education resulting from limited access to laboratory infrastructure/equipment and teacher/peer-based institutional methods

  2. enable transformation and curricular changes by creation of an innovative online laboratory practice in biotechnology/ bioscience lab techniques 

  3. promote knowledge transfer through a digitally enhanced scientific approach 

  4. allow learners to develop skills for professional decision-making and scientific operational autonomy 

  5. enhance the quality of biomedical laboratory science education and practice 

  6. increase the capacity of cooperating participants to operate jointly at a transnational level 

  7. open biomedical laboratory science to external learners and potential stakeholders


This project is funded under the Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Cooperation among organisations and institutions.

Project Number: 2021-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000027611

Project start and finish

Project duration: 01/02/2022 – 31/01/2025


Number of partners: 5 (Beneficiary: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Polska, University of Foggia, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universitetet I Oslo, Haskolinn I Reykjavik).

EU-logo showing project is co-funded by the European Union

Published Mar. 7, 2023 3:45 PM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2023 4:37 PM


Detailed list of participants