NORMENT Annual Report 2017

NORMENT's Annual Report for 2017 is now published. The report is a requirement from the Research Council of Norway as part of the Centre of Excellence (CoE) programme.

In addition to describing last year's research activities and scientific highlights, the report gives a nice overview of the Centre and its organization. The main content includes:

  • Leader’s Comments
  • Prizes and Awards
  • About the Centre
  • Vision Statement
  • Scientific Aims
  • Organization of the Centre
  • Governing Board
  • Scientific Advisory Committee
  • User Involvement
  • Working Units
  • Technical and Administrative Support
  • Core Researchers
  • Core Research Groups
  • Researcher Training
  • International Collaboration
  • Dissemination and Communication
  • Societal Impact and Innovation
  • Facts about NORMENT
  • NORMENT Staff
  • Publications

Click here to download the report

Published Apr. 6, 2018 12:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 6, 2018 12:23 PM