NORMENT study among the most highly read articles

A research article from NORMENT was one of the 100 most read articles in the Nature journal Scientific Reports in 2017.

The article by researcher Olav B. Smeland and colleagues, entitled Identification of genetic loci shared between schizophrenia and the Big Five personality traits, received 1570 article views in 2017. This gives it a position in the top 100 most highly read papers in Scientific Reports in 2017, of a total of 24.000 articles published last year.

See the complete list here: Journal Top 100


Smeland OB, Wang Y, Lo MT, Li W, Frei O, Witoelar A, Tesli M, Hinds DA, Tung JY, Djurovic S, Chen CH, Dale AM, Andreassen OA. Identification of genetic loci shared between schizophrenia and the Big Five personality traits. Scientific Reports. 2017;7(1):2222.

Published May 4, 2018 9:27 AM - Last modified May 4, 2018 9:31 AM