Prize for outstanding research to Lars Tjelta Westlye

Lars Tjelta Westlye, group leader and coming core researcher at NORMENT, has received the Early Career Award from Oslo University Hospital.

Lars Tjelta Westlye. Photo: NORMENT.

The prize is awarded yearly to promising research talents at the hospital, and the prize money of NOK 150.000 is to be used on research. Westlye received the prize during a ceremony at Rikshospitalet in Oslo on June 08, 2018.

From the committee statement:

Lars Tjelta Westlye has been most productive and published more than 150 original scientific articles positioned in high profile journals. His research is highly innovative, recently illustrated by discoveries of brain imaging markers of mental illness. For three years in a row, Lars Tjelta Westlye has been awarded with the Oslo University Hospital’s Excellent publication award. He is certainly a dynamic and creative researcher who has created a stimulating research environment and strong international network.

Read more about the award: The 2018 Oslo University Hospital Research Awards to Klungland, Haugaa and Westlye

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Published June 12, 2018 10:56 AM - Last modified June 12, 2018 10:56 AM