NORMENT Annual Report 2018

NORMENT's Annual Report is now published. The report is a requirement from the Research Council of Norway as part of the Centres of Excellence programme.

In addition to describing last year's research activities and scientific highlights, the report gives an overview of the Centre and its organization. The following sections are included:

  • Leader’s Comments
  • Scientific Highlights
  • Prizes and Awards
  • About the Centre
  • Vision Statement
  • Scientific Aims
  • Organization of the Centre
  • Governing Board
  • Scientific Advisory Committee
  • Centre Management
  • User Involvement
  • Technical and Administrative Support
  • Core Resource Units
  • Research Groups and Collaboration
  • Researcher Training
  • International Collaboration
  • Dissemination and Communication
  • Societal Impact and Innovation
  • Facts about NORMENT
  • NORMENT Staff
  • Publications

Click here to download the report

Published Apr. 12, 2019 11:07 AM - Last modified Apr. 15, 2019 10:16 AM