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Forskerkonferanse om psykisk helse og rus 2018

NORMENT og SERAF inviterer til konferansen "Mental Health and Addiction - Norwegian Research Opportunities" i Oslo den 31. mai og 1. juni 2018. 


Last ned program (pdf)

Day 1 - 31 May
8.30-9.00                          Registration and coffee
9.00-9.15 Opening talk: Guest speaker Fabian Stang
9.15-9.45 Plenum 1:
Development of a national health analysis platform and future use of health registry data for research. By Alex Gray
9.45-10.15 Symposium 1:
Future research tools: E-Health and App technology
10.15-10.45 Break with fruit
10.45-11.45 Symposium 1 continues:
Future research tools: E-health and App technology (Norwegian)
11.45-12.15 Plenum 2:
Nordic opportunities in registries, cohorts and biobanks - time for action. By Marte Handal
12.15-13.15 Lunch
13.15-14.45 Symposium 2:
Facilitating mental health research in Nordic registries
Symposium 3:
Nordic registries: Prisoning and post-relase mortality
14.45-15.00 Break
15.00-15.30 Plenum 3:
DIGI Brain 1. Biophysical psychiatry - can computers model thoughts and emotions?
15.45-17.15 Symposium 4:
Project update
Co sponsor DigiBrain
Symposium 5:
Registry based research on mother and child with drug exposure
during pregnancy
17.15-18.00 Pause
Welcome Aperitif
Possibility for meetings
18.00 Dinner


Day 2 - 1 June
9.00-9.30                                   Plenum 4:
Consequences of long-term prescription of opioids in chronic pain. By Per Sjøgren
9.30-9.45 Break with fruit
9.45-11.15 Symposium 6:
How to facilitate Norwegian clinical research in mental health? Chair: Erik Johnsen
Symposium 7:
Prescription opioids: Pain
management and risk for addiction
11.15-11.30 Break
11.30-12.00 Plenum 5:
Large scale studies of schizophrenia etiology - update from PGC. By James Walters
12.00-12.45 Lunch
12.45-14.15 Symposium 8:
Longitudinal studies in psychosis - Outcome, prediction and stratification. By James Walters
Network meetings Intoxication
14.15-14.30 Break
14.30-15.00 Plenum 6:
Enigma 1.How can large scale brain imaging reveal insight into mental illness. Update from the ENIGMA project
15.00-15.30 Break with fruit
15.30-17.00 Symposium 9:
Ongoing ENIGMA activities (SUD, CNV, BIP, EOP imaging genetics)

Konferansen byr på

  • Spennende innlegg fra nordiske og internasjonale foredragsholdere
  • Møteplass for psykisk helse og rus forskere på tvers av fagdisipliner
  • Uformell mingling med kollegaer
  • Parallelle seminarer/workshops


Klikk her for å melde deg på konferansen. Påmeldingsfrist er 24. mai.


Hotellrom kan reserveres ved å sende en epost til booking.expo@choice.no. Oppgi rabattkoden GR007251. Hotellets nettside: Quality Hotel Expo


Konferansen arrangeres av NORMENT (Norsk senter for forskning på mentale lidelser) og SERAF (Senter for rus og avhengighetsforskning) med arrangementstøtte fra Norges forskningsråd. 

Publisert 5. mars 2018 09:50 - Sist endret 11. mai 2018 12:51