Get support from research infrastructures

NCMM and Faculty of Medicine, UiO, invite you to a meeting with ten renowned researchers. Experience how, among others, Harald Stenmark and the Moser group use infrastructure in their research.

Bildet kan inneholde: hjul, dekk, kunst, font, samfunnet.


This webinar will give you the chance to learn about the activities of ten research infrastructures, all have in common that they provide services in medicine and life sciences.

Some are centered around a specific technique or instrument, others provide education, networking opportunities, access to excellent biobank material, help with research proposals, data management or clinical trials.

After the webinar you will get a contact list so you can get in touch with one or several RIs that you find interesting for follow up questions and to get the desired help.


14:00: Jens Petter Berg, Pro-Dean for research: Welcome

14:05: Leonardo Meza-Zepeda, Norseq: Sequencing

14:15: Tuula Nyman, Joseph Robertson, NAPI: Proteomics

14:25: Kristian Hveem, Oddgeir Holmen, Biobank Norway: Biobank data

14:35: Olav Haraldseth, NORMOLIM: MRI/molecular imaging

14:45: Harald Stenmark, Oddmund Bakke, Nalmin: Microscopy (light imaging)

14:55: Rajeevkumar R. Nair, Mosergruppen: Viral vector tools for neuroscience and biomedicine

15:05: Coffee break

15:10: Johannes Landskron, Nor-Openscreen: Chemical biology, high throughput screening, bioprospecting

15:20: Christine Stansberg, ELIXIR Norway: Life science data and tools

15:30: Anita Kavlie, EATRIS Norway: Translational research, EU funding application support

15:40: Sigrun Sæther, NorCRIN: Clinical trials

15:50: Janna Saarela, NCMM: Conclusions

In our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic we have experienced how essential cooperation in research and innovation is. Research Infrastructures (RIs) are facilities that provide resources and services for research communities to improve research, innovation and collaboration (international).

An RI can be used beyond research e.g. for education or public services and they may be single-sited, distributed, or virtual. The networks of RIs across Europe provide world-class training for a new generation of researchers and engineers and promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

In the next few years, research infrastructures are expected to act as early adopters of technology, to promote R&D partnerships with industry, to facilitate industrial use of research infrastructures and to stimulate the creation of innovation clusters.

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Publisert 31. mai 2021 15:00 - Sist endret 18. juni 2021 09:55