SHEtalks by Carmen Delgado Luchner

Carmen Delgado Luchner is going to talk about mediated relationships between humanitarian aid workers and beneficiaries.

face, glasse, nose, eyes, hair

Photo: Private

Carmen Delgado Luchner is a trained translator and conference interpreter. She has been accredited with the EU institutions since 2008 and holds an MAS in interpreter training and a PhD in interpreting.

After a PhD on interpreter education in Sub-Saharan Africa and a postdoc on language mediation in Humanitarian Organizations and Development NGOs (University of Reading, UK and University of the Free State, South Africa), Carmen currently works as Director of the Language Centre of the University of Fribourg. In addition, she is a Consultant for Community Interpreter training and research for many NGOs and public institutions in Switzerland.

Her recent research projects have focused on interpreting in Asylum and Health Care settings in Switzerland, as well as remote community interpreting during the COVID19 pandemic.

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SHEtalks are Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) monthly public talk, where scholars present their research. SHEtalks are available on YouTube

Publisert 11. okt. 2021 12:19 - Sist endret 1. mars 2022 16:13