Book Launch: Rethinking Evidence in the Time of Pandemics

Mona Baker and Eivind Engebretsen launch a new book about Scientific vs. Narrative Rationality and Medical Knowledge Practices.

face, arms, poster

Photo: GettyImages Ben Stansall


The Book Launch takes place at University of Cambridge 26th of September. The book "Rethinking Evidence in the time of Pandemics" argues that we - especially in sitations of crisis - need to:   

1. Understand: In situations of health crisis we must understand and empathize with other people's stories and values they encode;

2. Assess: ... assess these stories based on the universe in which these people live and the values they hold most dear; 

3. Acknowledge: ... acknowledge the narrative coherence and credibility of peoples's stories - even when these are in conflict with the rationality of science. 

Visit the book here.

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Emneord: crisis, pandemics, rethinking evidence, narratives, values
Publisert 19. aug. 2022 12:28 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2022 12:28