SHEtalks: Are you a researcher or an activist?

Sustainability research in healthcare is increasingly focused on implementation - how do we achieve change within a short timeframe?

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Photo: University of Bergen

The temporality of environmental change - act within years to mitigate impacts over millennia - coupled with the high policy relevance (i.e. 'impact') of research presents some potential challenges for researchers who are entrusted with asking and answering questions in the right way.

What is the 'right way'? 'Are you a researcher or an activist?' was a question posed to Anand at his PhD mid-way evaluation on fair pathways to low-carbon healthcare. Drawing upon this prompt and his own project he will open a discussion on the tensions - real or imagined - between the researcher as an impartial scholar and discoverer of truths, and the action-orientated investigator directly addressing societal problems.

Anand Bhopal is a PhD Research Fellow at the Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting (BCEPS), who is currently visiting SHE. He gave a SHEtalks last year on the topic "How much health can a tonne of carbon buy?"

SHEtalks are open research lunch lectures, and a collaboration between KNOWIT and SHE. 

How to participate in the SHEtalks

If you are interested in joining, please send an email to Trine Kleven


Publisert 14. feb. 2022 15:36 - Sist endret 24. juni 2022 08:27