SHEtalks: Student and Staff Collaboration in Quality Work in Higher Education

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A new focus on competence and skill development emerged in professional higher education emerged alongside with student-centred approaches for teaching and learning. Teaching itself as well as the continuous improvement and redesign of education shape educator student collaborations. Hannah Mülder explains how she works:

- I aim to explore their collaboration within shared quality work practices as well as the professional formation they experience within this collaboration at the two centres for Excellence in Education at UiO, SHE and CELL. I do so by means of a participatory and mixed methods approach. The different cases cover quality work practices across a whole centre, in management and strategic planning, educational development projects and teaching-learning and as well as practices in specific educational development projects on students acquiring team work and collaborative competences. Of particular interest in the latter case are collaborations between staff and students employed as student coordinators or student mentors.

Hannah Mülder is a Doctoral Research Fellow at HEDWORK, Department of Education, University of Oslo, working on collaboration in the cases SHE and CELL, two Centre of Excellence in education. 

What is SHEtalks

SHEtalks are research lunch lectures, and a collaboration between KNOWIT and SHE. All SHEtalks are public events for everybody.

How to participate in the SHEtalks

If you are interested in joining, please send an email to Trine Kleven


Emneord: collaboration, quality practices, profesional formation, doctoral research fellow, CELL, SHE
Publisert 15. mars 2022 16:29 - Sist endret 24. juni 2022 08:27