SHEtalk: What’s law got to do with? Law’s role in achieving global sustainability by Beate Sjåfjell

Welcome to a SHEtalk about law and sustainability.

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Photo: Fateme Alaie/UnSplash

Despite global sustainability goals, the world’s societies are still on a very certain path towards an uncertain future. International organisations, states, local communities, civil society, as well as businesses, including pension funds, and banks, are all talking about sustainability. Does law have a role in ensuring that all this talk translates into actual action, to the fundamental transformation towards a safe and just space for humanity?

Law is essential for achieving all large-scale societal and structural changes, including the transformation to sustainability that the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out to achieve. Law recognizes sustainability on an overarching level and yet in many practically important areas law has not managed to implement that recognition. It has become increasingly clear that law is of crucial importance to secure sustainability and at the same time, that law has failed us. Yet, there is hope. The hope is not a timid one, that patiently waits for change. It is radical hope, requiring radical interdisciplinary research in law as in any other field. In this research seminar, the leader of the research group Sustainability Law presents the research that informs the idea of law for sustainability, and of sustainability law as a conceptual framework.

Short biography

Beate Sjåfjell is Professor Dr Juris at the Faculty of Law, University of Oslo and Visiting Professor at College of Europe. Professor Sjåfjell is head of the Oslo Faculty’s Research Group Sustainability Law, and coordinator of Daughters of Themis: International Network of Women Business Scholars. She publishes extensively in the field of corporate law, corporate governance and sustainability.


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What are SHEtalks

SHEtalks are a serial of informal research seminars held at Center for Sustainable Healthcare Education, University of Oslo. SHEtalks are research lunch lectures. The fall 2024 program was put together by researcher Gabriela Saldanha. Seminars take place at Thursdays at noon (GTM+1) unless otherwise specified. They may be delivered and attended in person or via zoom. 

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Tags: SHEtalks
Published Jan. 16, 2024 9:45 AM - Last modified Jan. 16, 2024 10:28 AM