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Events - Page 3

Time and place: , Cambridge University

Mona Baker and Eivind Engebretsen launch a new book about Scientific vs. Narrative Rationality and Medical Knowledge Practices.

Time and place: , Professorboligen, Karl Johans gate 47

Den 8. september 2022 arrangeres det en tverrfaglig studentdrevet konferanse med fokus på bærekraft og helse ved Universitetet i Oslo.

Konferansen er åpen for alle som ønsker å delta. 

Time and place: , Abels Utsikt

Professor Trish Greenhalgh will receive the Honorary Doctorate from the University of Oslo. She will participate in an Open Seminar at Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) on Complexity in Action September 1 13.30-17.30.

Time and place: , Undervisningsrom 3 Georg Sverdrups hus, 3.etg and Zoom

Are you a researcher or student at UiO interested in antimicrobial resistance (AMR), interdisciplinarity and One Health? Join this seminar of the INFRA network!

Time and place: , Scene HumSam and online

Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam of Singapore reflects on the global governance reforms needed in light of a new confluence of global insecurities stemming from pandemics, the growing challenges of the global commons and a more polarised world.

Time and place: , Scene HumSam and online

The COVID-19 pandemic has infected at least 500 million people and killed more than six million. How can we learn from these events and develop a complete pandemic preparedness and response system? What role can universities and university alliances play?

Time and place: , Zoom and SHEs office

In the first 18 months of the pandemic Aotearoa New Zealand, a country of 5 million, registered just 50 deaths from Covid and recorded an improvement in life expectancy.

Time and place: , Zoom and at SHEs office

Diet-related health, sustainability and disease prevention, by Tanja Kalchenko The Physicians Association for Nutrition (PAN).

Time and place: , Medisinsk bibliotek på Rikshospitalet

Fraværet av bærekraft-tenkning har ført til at utnyttelsen av naturressurser er blitt vår tids største trussel mot folkehelsen.

Time and place: , Zoom and at SHEs office
Time and place: , SHE and Zoom
Time and place: , Linken, Georg Sverdrups Hus

Velkommen til bokbading! Professor Jarle Breivik i samtale om sin nye bok "Løsningen på kreftgåten".

Time and place: , Zoom and live at SHE
Time and place: , zoom

Sustainability research in healthcare is increasingly focused on implementation - how do we achieve change within a short timeframe?

Time and place: , zoom

Carmen Delgado Luchner is going to talk about mediated relationships between humanitarian aid workers and beneficiaries.

Time and place: , zoom

Sietse Wieringa is going to talk about education for sustainable healthcare decisions in Primary care.

Time and place: , zoom

Lillehagen, Thakral and Sahay are going to talk about antibiotics on The European Antibiotic Awareness day.

Time and place: , HumSam-biblioteket i Georg Sverdrups Hus

Er den sunne maten også den som er best for miljøet og planeten? Hvordan er det med avocadoen fra Mellom-Amerika? Eller tomaten dyrket i drivhus oppvarmet med fossilt brensel - eller plukket av arbeidere som har uverdige arbeidsforhold med luselønn?

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset

Whilst talking about climate change, we rarely discuss the impact climate change has on human health. Climate change affects different people and different communities to different degrees. However, the exposure of these threats simultaneously can result in compounding health impacts.

Time and place: , Zoom

Dr Marta Arnaldi gives a presentation of plan for Marie Curie Project about sustainability and translation.

Time and place: , zoom

Professor Mona Baker and professor Eivind Engebretsen will talk about their initiative to develop the Oslo Medical Corpus as a resource for education and research in SHE.

Time and place: , ClubHouse

Join human rights lawyers, tech experts and activists from across Africa, EU, US and more sharing new research and local perspectives on access, privacy, sexual and reproductive health, transparency, inequality and justice. 

Time and place: , zoom

How can we be better prepared for the next pandemic? Svenn-Erik Mamelund is Research Professor in demographics, and talks about the importance of social inequality.