New SHE-Circle U. course on sustainability and public health

The new Master course, Politics of Sustainability in Public Health,  is a joint effort between SHE and Circle U. It caters to Master of Public Health students at UiO, as well as MA Circle U. students from various disciplines who share an interest in the political dimensions of sustainability within public health.

Personer rundt et bord, workshop

Photo: Ernst Kristian Rødland

What does sustainability mean in the context of public health? Do concepts such as sustainability, empowerment, partnership reflect an urge for global solidarity or rather a requirement for self-management and improvement?

In the Circle U. course "Politics of Sustainability in Public Health – data-driven critical conceptual analysis", we invite students from all over Europe to reflect on these issues through an innovative corpus-driven datathon approach.

Join us for a stimulating, interdisciplinary and collaborative experience!

Read more about the course and how to apply here

Are you interested in other courses on sustainability and health developed by SHE? Take a look at our courses and programmes here

Published Apr. 16, 2023 5:59 PM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2023 6:03 PM