Start-up seminar for all employees in Sustainable Health Unit SUSTAINIT

As the new Head of Unit of SUSTAINIT, I feel incredibly proud and privileged to launch this new initiative with such a great team. At the seminar we started the important process of defining our identity, articulating our ambition, and identifying some core dilemmas and attention points, says Prof Eivind Engebretsen.

table, people, sharing

Workshop at Sanner Hotel. Photo: Ernst Kristian Rødland


SUSTAINIT consists of three centres. Two of these exist already - Centre for Global Health and Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) – and one is new: The Pandemic Centre.

All three centres address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG3 in particular, and they are strongly thematically related: sustainable healthcare education requires a global perspective and future pandemics are one of the core challenges for global health.

But the centres also have different strengths and focus areas: while SHE is a Centre of Excellence in Education with a mandate to foster excellence in education for sustainable development, the Centre for Global Health has a strong focus on capacity development and knowledge sharing between North and South.

The new Pandemic Centre will primarily support and coordinate interdisciplinary research activities on pandemics.

How will SUSTAINIT work?

Are you curious on what all the employees decided on SUSTAINIT? Read more on Prof Eivind Engebretsen's blog here. 


A strategy of SUSTAINIT will be launched in June 2023.

Tags: sustainit, sustainable health care, research, education, SDGs
Published Jan. 13, 2023 12:40 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2023 2:30 PM