Scholarships 2020

The Faculty of Medicine announces Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE) scholarships for international students at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Application deadline June 15, 2020.

Illustration showing different SDGs.

We offer financial aid for those of our international students who are facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 crisis. We need your experiences and reflections of being an international student during the pandemic. We encourage students to engage in storytelling, record your ideas and concerns of living through the coronavirus pandemic.

We want each student to write a reflective note from 5 -10 pages.

A maximum of 15 scholarships each amounting of 20.000 NOK are available.

The best reflection notes will be published on SHE web page. In addition, the notes will serve as background for a document aiming at political authorities in order to visualize international students’ specific learning challenges during the pandemic.

The reflection note can include:

  • Description of a specific topic  - educational and/or social - related to being an international student in Norway during the COVID-19 crisis
  • Examples of coping strategies and advices based on the experiences of yourself and your peers.
  • Reflections on how student exchange can further develop in the post-corona time
  • Reflections on how own experiences during corona-time can affect your future work as an health worker in your country/context
  • Reflections on sustainable health care in the light of the COVID-19 crisis 
  • Reflections on  ethical issues in professional decision making in light of the COVID-19 crisis  and/or in post-corona time

We emphasize that we expect the reflection notes to provide views and inputs from students related to the handling of the Corona crises, and not sensitive personal experiences. 

Deadline for handing in the reflection notes: June 15.

Application process

Please send an email to SHE’s administrative coordinator Trine Kleven no later than May 11 and give the following information about yourself: name, contact details, nationality, which educational program you are attending, in which semester. Please argue in a few sentences the financial hardship you experience because of the Corona lockdown and why the scholarship will be of importance for you.

Please also indicate the topic for your reflection note. 

Any questions concerning the application should be emailed to SHE’s administrative coorinator: Trine Kleven

Published Sep. 7, 2023 2:08 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2023 2:13 PM