Sustainable skin care, a student podcast

Marit Berg Mathisen is studying medicine at University of Oslo.

microphone, smile, face

Photo: Private

Marit Berg Mathisen was among one of the students receiving student scholarship from SHE spring 2021. 

Description of your project

The project is called «Huden din» (Your skin) and is a podcast with episodes of around 20-30 minutes. The podcast is meant for people with skin conditions. In each episode we talk about a specific skin condition; symptoms, how to diagnose and treatment methods. Its about eczema, moles and skin cancer, acnea and scabies, just to mention some topics. I want to provide people with information about the causes behind their condition, how to diagnose and how to treat it. Health personnel can also listen to the podcast to update themselves on common skin conditions.

Sustainable skin care

As part of my project I aim to enlighten people about skin conditions and how to treat and help them make informed choices. Many skin conditions can be treated without seeing a doctor, therefore it is important for people to make well-informed choices. This could for example be when they go to the pharmacy to buy non-perscription medicines, reducing unnecessary consumption.

In light of this, the project can be connected to two of the UN SDGs:
3: Good health and well-being
12: Responsible consumption and production

How did you get the idea?

I was inspired by some friends who have the podcast «Farmapodden». They gave me some good advice on how to get started with the podcast. I very much enjoy listening to podcasts myself when I am on the go, and I find the dermatological field of medicine highly interesting. 

Where can we find your podcast?

You can listen to the episodes on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, Castbox and many more. Here is the link to Apple Podcast

You can also stay updated on my instagram page «huden.din»

Emneord: Skin cancer, eczema, moles, acnea, scabies, treatment, skin, sustainable health care, student scholarship Av Ritika Sharma
Publisert 4. okt. 2021 15:58 - Sist endret 1. mars 2022 16:08