Group assignments in global health

Welcome to this group assignment i global health! Here is some general information for students:

The group assignments are a collaboration between several different diciplines within the module: public health, gynaecology, pediatrics, general practice and pharmacology. In this interconnected world with increasing inequalities in health, both on global, national and local levels, global health is of huge importance. In this assignment, you will work together to investigate and propose strategies for addressing a global health issue.


Three different topics with assignments:

1. Child health in a global perspective

2. Global Reproductive and maternal health

3. Vaccination and infection control in a global perspective


  • Each clinical group will work on one assignment. You will find your clinical group online. Here you will find information on the assignment your group is supposed to do and your contact person.
  • He or she will help you if you have any questions during your work. It is your responsibility to find the other members of the group and start working on the assignments.
  • Each group shall prepare a short power point presentation. Each group can choose to have a meeting with the supervisor, or to work on their own. In either case, use your supervisor for guidance!
  • A first draft of the power point presentation must be sent to the group's supervisor at least two weeks before the seminar. The assignment should take approximately 4 hours +/- to complete. Our tip: make a dinner together, and spend the evening preparing a full draft, and send it to your supervisor. In that way you also get to know each other better.
  • A final version must be approved by the supervisor at least one week prior to the seminar.  A short description of each student’s contribution to the group work must be delivered to the supervisor together with the revised presentation.
  • Attending the seminar of your topic and being ready to present is mandatory. You will need a signature in your Signature Book to show that you have passed.
  • Remember that this is student-lead teaching! Rehearse and work with your performance before presenting to the class. We look forward to hearing you!


Be prepared to discuss your topic and answer questions in the seminar. In some seminars, there will not be time for all groups to present. In case your group is not chosen (you will be notified in advance), you have to prepare at least two comments and/or questions on the topic in order to start off the plenary discussion. We strongly encourage students from all groups to be present at all three seminars as they will cover important topics reflected in the learning outcomes.


You will notice that the assignments consistently use the terminology high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries instead of “developed” and “developing” countries. To understand why, view this video from the late Professor Hans Rosling from Karolinska Institute:

Publisert 12. feb. 2018 19:27 - Sist endret 6. feb. 2024 13:15