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Assessment criteria for project theses

The examiner’s assessment of a thesis will place emphasis on whether or not:

  • the subject or question is relevant in relation to the objectives and content of the programme
  • the question has been clearly formulated and that its relevance has been explained
  • the thesis presents existing studies, as well as theory and concepts which are relevant to the subject of the thesis
  • the design and method(s) have been explained and are relevant to the question
  • the candidate displays the ability to collate, systematise, analyse, interpret and present informaton/knoweldge in a clear, precise manner
  • the thesis appears to be cohesive, and the discussions and conclusions shall accord with the theoretical premises and supporting analyses/material
  • the language is comprehensible and has been prepared thoroughly
  • the source, literature and quotation references are correct and clear
  • the required approvals have been obtained and accounted for
  • the formal requirements have been complied with (scope, font size, font type, reference system, etc.)

It is normal to submit a project outline when preparing to write a thesis which contains information about the objectives, subject, question, method and progress schedule, etc. Check out our course and info pages about theses in order to find the procedures which apply to this under your programme.

Previous submitted theses are available in the UiO’s electronic archive DU

Published Nov. 10, 2020 12:47 PM - Last modified Nov. 20, 2020 11:23 AM