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New leadership at P1H

Jens Petter Berg led P1H successfully through its startup phase as the interim leader. Now, Gunnveig Grødeland takes over as the new leader.

Portrait images of Jens Petter Berg and Gunnveig Grødeland

Left: Jens Petter Berg; Foto: Ine Eriksen, UiO
Right: Gunnveig Grødeland; Foto: Øystein H. Horgmo

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Prof. Jens Petter Berg for his outstanding leadership and dedication to our Centre for Pandemics and One-Health Research. Under his guidance as interim leader, P1H has made significant strides in its development through the first year of operation and we are truly grateful for his contributions. Prof. Berg will continue to support P1H, as well as the Centre for Global Health (CGH) and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education (SHE), in his new role as Research and Development Leader for SUSTAINIT.

At the same time, we are excited to welcome our new leader, Gunnveig Grødeland, to the team. We are confident that her expertise and passion for this field will propel P1H to new heights and further our mission of advancing pandemic preparedness and the concept of One-Health through cutting-edge research.

We look forward to the future successes and achievements under Gunnveig's leadership and thank Jens Petter for his invaluable contributions to our centre.

By Jason D. Whittington
Published Mar. 8, 2024 12:33 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2024 2:04 PM