Norwegian version of this page

We work with

The Centre for Pandemics and One-Health Research (P1H) was established at the end of 2022 with the vision to help society become more resilient to pandemic threats through more effective application of existing expertise and the development of new knowledge. 

P1H is working towards this by better integrating the broad pandemic expertise available across the University of Oslo, by improving our understanding and implementation of One Health approaches, and engaging with the societal next-generation through the establishment of a student group.

The aims of P1H are to

  • Apply interdisciplinary perspectives to the relationship between sustainability and improved public health.
  • Strengthen the one-health perspective in research and education and among the students at UiO.
  • Strengthen, or build new, national and international research networks.
  • Improve collaboration and training across faculties at UiO, and create new interdisciplinary research opportunities.
  • Promote diversity, transparency in actions, and sustainability as a basis for more resilient systems.

These actions bring added value to UiO and Norway

  1. improving our resilience to pandemic threats and our ability to manage pandemic impacts through research, education and One Health perspectives;
  2. raise the visibility of UiO and its role as a repository of important knowledge and research in responding to ongoing and future large-scale challenges.
Published Oct. 10, 2023 1:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2023 9:29 AM