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Use infrastructure to boost your research

NCMM and the Faculty of Medicine invite you to a meeting with ten infrastructures. Here you get to know, among others, how the Stenmark and Moser groups use infrastructure in their research.

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Now, as we are slowly moving out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we are experiencing how important collaboration in research and innovation is.

Researchers are invited to join a seminar where you will learn about research infrastructure from a number of renowned researchers, including insight from the groups of Harald Stenmark and Edvard Moser.

The seminar will take place on Zoom on 23 June, 14:00-16:00. You can register at the bottom.

Portrettbilde av Janna Saarela
NCMM's director, Janna Saarela. Photo: UiO.

These types of infrastructure are facilities that help researchers with resources and services in research, innovation and collaboration.

They can also offer services beyond research, such as education or public services, and can be one-sided, distributed or virtual.

World-class training

“The networks of research infrastructures throughout Europe provide world-class training for a new generation of researchers and engineers and promote interdisciplinary collaboration”, says Janna Saarela.

Professor Saarela is director of Centre for Molecular Medicine Research Norway (NCMM), and has experience from research infrastructures in both Finland and Norway. 

Pro-Dean for research recommends the webinar

In medical research, scientists are often dependent on access to well-described sample material and advanced technical equipment or methodology. This is necessary to either examine samples collected or to create tools and model systems. Once results have been collected, researchers will often need bioinformatics or other methods to look for patterns in the data.

Pro-Dean for research, Jens Petter Berg, says:

Bildet kan inneholde: Offisielt, Eldre, Business.
Pro-Dean for Research, Jens Petter Berg, encourages all researchers to attend the webinar. Photo: Øystein Horgmo, UiO.

“It is insurmountable for a single researcher to be at the forefront in all these areas at the same time."

This webinar provides researchers with a quick overview of 10 key infrastructures for medical research.

“It is great that EATRIS has initiated the webinar. EATRIS’ goal is also to connect infrastructures and other resources with researchers who need precisely these in their translation research”, he continues.

Jens Petter Berg has himself participated in projects that have used research infrastructures for gene expression and seen the enormous amount of data that is produced when, for example, monocytes are stimulated with endotoxins.

“Then it is good to get help from bioinformatics to sort data and interpret what they mean.” Berg concludes with a recommendation: 

I recommend the webinar and believe that it will be useful for those who are looking for new opportunities and partners to complete their project.

The webinar will provide information about the services of ten different infrastructures in medicine and life sciences. Some are centred around a specific technology or instrument, and others offer education, networking, support for research applications, biobank materials, computer tools or clinical trials.

After the webinar, you will receive a contact list so that you can make direct contact with one or more infrastructures for follow-up questions and to receive useful assistance for your project.

Register here

By Thomas Olafsen
Published June 15, 2021 10:03 AM - Last modified June 4, 2024 2:47 PM