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Election programme for Team Flinstad Harbo

Outstanding and innovative research and education for the benefit of both the individual and society

Dekankandidat Hanne Flinstad Harbo

Hanne Flinstad Harbo thinks it is time for a real election at MED. She is ready to become our new dean in the spring. With her on the team, she has Jan Bjålie, Magnus Løberg, Grete Dyb and Eli Feiring.

Team Flinstad Harbo's vision for the Faculty of Medicine

Outstanding and innovative research and education for the benefit of both the individual and society.

Se presentasjon av team Flinstad Harbo here

Our goals for the Faculty of Medicine:

  • Strengthen the faculty as an outstanding place of study and a leading research institution and social actor
  • Develop the faculty in line with new knowledge and society's needs
  • Improve organisation at the faculty and ensuring good interaction with units, employees, students and other partners

Our tools:

Promote: We will improve and use forms of collaboration and communication that ensure open processes and make the work at the Faculty of Medicine more visible both within the organisation and externally to the general population and our partners. 

Involve and collaborate: We will stimulate collaboration both internally and with external partners. We will make provision for more staff and students to become involved in the development and management of the faculty.

Decide, implement, evaluete: We will base our decisions on open, time-limited processes, implement measures, evaluate results and, where required, follow up with necessary corrections.

Brief summary of our election platform:

1) The Faculty of Medicine as an organisation and workplace

We aim to:

  • Be a visible and engaged deanery that involves, collaborates, decides and implements measures in open processes that promote outstanding and innovative research and education
  • Establish new meeting places and renewed collaboration with employees, students and partners
  • Develop closer collaboration with hospitals and other partners, including the Life Sciences Initiative, global health, new OUS, renewed study programmes and research
  • Be a driving force for good organisational and administrative solutions that benefit both employees and students

More about the Faculty as an organisation and workplace

2) Studies at the Faculty of Medicine

We aim to:

  • Strengthen incentives for outstanding teaching and further develop study programmes so that these also in the future are groundbreaking and attractive 
  • Simplify and clarify the management and organisation of study programmes, and strengthen the collaboration between administrative and scientific staff
  • Strengthen the academic communities' ownership of the programmes in order to promote subject-related and varied teaching, as well as prioritise feedback to students and teachers
  • Be a driving force for a good student and learning environment and stimulate international mobility for students and staff through, for example, Circle-U

More about studies

3) Research and innovation at the Faculty of Medicine:

We aim to:

  • Improve PhD, postdoctoral and research-line programmes and facilitate good career development

  • Further develop collaborations in research and innovation with both internal and external partners concerning major societal challenges including global health, research ethics, core facilities, laboratories, comparative medicine and biobanks

  • Stimulate closer collaboration between the faculty and university hospitals, as well as the industry, concerning  translational research and clinical studies

  • Establish a roadmap for the further development of collaborative relationships with funders of research and innovation both nationally and internationally

More about Research and innovation

More about the work of the Faculty of Medicine as an organisation and workplace

One of our main goals is to improve the organisation at the Faculty of Medicine and ensure good interaction with units, employees, students and other partners. In this work, our tools are of particular importance: Promote,involve, collaborate and decide to implement and evaluate.

We aim to:

  • Be a visible and engaged deanery that involves, collaborates, decides and implements measures in open processes that promote outstanding and innovative research and education

  • Promote good working conditions, a good working and study environment and collaboration between employees in different positions and across different levels of the organisation by:

    • Stimulating transparent leadership, guidance and targeted career development
    • Following up on working environment surveys

    • Actively involving employees in development processes, including administrative employees

    • Initiating collaborative measures across units and departments

  • Establishing new meeting places for staff and students at the Faculty of Medicine, such as:
    • Informal and formal faculty meetings for employees and managers, as well as our partners

    • New meeting places for and with students

  • Strengthening the collaboration between faculty management and the departments
    • Giving the departments a key role in the faculty's management team

    • Stimulating skills sharing and collaboration across departments and units

    • figur: fakultet og institutter


  • Collaborating closely with other units at the University of Oslo and with OUS on the Life Science Building and Life Sciences initiative at the University of Oslo  
    • Having a close dialogue and follow-up of cases, both long-term strategic and short-term in relation to ongoing decisions

    • Having active representatives on joint councils and committees

  • Being a transparent partner to Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital
    • Having a close dialogue and follow-up of research and educational matters

    • Having active representatives on joint councils and committees

  • Further developing optimal digital solutions to support teaching and research, and ensure that administrative procedures and tools help both employees and students
    • Working to identify solutions tailored to the needs of the Faculty of Medicine

  • Working to ensure predictable economics at the faculty as a whole that will benefit teaching, research and innovation
    • Collaborate closely concerning economics with the institutes and the University of Oslo centrally

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More about educational objectives at the Faculty of Medicine

Our main educational objectives are to strengthen the Faculty of Medicine as an outstanding place of study and develop the education in line with new knowledge and society's needs. The students shall be able to solve key tasks in the future health service. We want to educate:

  • Professionals who are academically strong and have good communication skills

  • Knowledge developers who take responsibility for research, innovation and teaching.

  • Leaders who develop health care in line with society's needs, both internationally and nationally.

  • Active social actors who promote good health in society.

Our work on education will have four sub-goals:

1. Further develop the study programmes so that they remain groundbreaking and attractive in the future

We aim to:

  • Actively promote work on study quality that ensures that the programmes are based on new, research-based knowledge by stimulating skills enhancement among the scientific and administrative leaders of the programmes
  • Prioritise evaluation and feedback for both students and educators by developing a digital system for anonymous feedback to lecturers, increase the use of formative feedback in practice, and replace grades with spider diagrams or similar in medical studies
  • Stimulate students to collaborate and develop good communication and collaboration skills by further developing the Teams projects for medicine and nutrition and strengthening professional development education
  • Further develop collaboration with hospitals, primary health services and other actors on practice and teaching, including entering into agreements between the faculty and municipalities (ref. work with Campus Sør)
  • Ensure high quality decentralised medical education by utilising and further developing established resources and establishing and evaluating a trial period for video recording of lectures
  • Assess how climate, environment and sustainability can be best integrated into the study programmes, ref. report "Climate and sustainability in health education". We want to develop a digital version of "MED3066: Climate change and health: your efforts count" and offer it as an optional course to all students at the Faculty of Medicine.
  • Give students more choices in the composition of educational programmes by assisting the units in the work of developing elective courses that are open to the faculty's students.
  • Explore the possibility of establishing an Honours programme based on the bachelor's programme in health management and health economics. 
  • Further develop the continuing education programme (EVU) and strengthen the organisation and administration of EVU activities 

2. Stimulate good organisational and administrative solutions that benefit both employees and students

We aim to:

  • Simplify and clarify the management and organisation of the various study programmes and highlight this to teachers (cf. Quality Improvement Report 30.9.2021). We will achieve this by strengthening the practical collaboration between administration and scientific staff in the planning, organisation and implementation of teaching.
  • Develop closer collaboration with the University IT services (USIT) on digital tools in teaching, for example, by using learning platforms (Canvas etc.) in medical school.

3. Further develop teaching methods

We aim to:

  • Establish a structure and culture that stimulates professional and varied teaching, particularly for new, but also for experienced teachers. We will encourage introductory and follow-up meetings for teachers.
  • Stimulate international mobility through Circle-U for employees.      
  • Strengthen incentives for outstanding teaching through initiatives for career development and a merit scheme. We will work to ensure that teaching is valued and emphasised to a greater extent when hiring.
  • Stimulate applications for the status of merited teacher
  • Stimulate the development of teaching methods, increased use of technology and broader collaboration between working life and the faculty. We will organise committed teaching staff to initiate an application for the Norwegian Centre of Excellence in Education (SFU).

4. Being a driving force for a good student and learning environment

We aim to:

  • Allow students to genuinely influence their own studies by inviting them to engage in decision-making processes, as well more transparency regarding when students can participate, and continue engaging in close dialogue with student organisations and elected representatives.

  • Develop structures that extend the duration of relationships between teachers and students. For example, integrate mentor groups into the schedule.

  • Strengthen the students' integration and sense of belonging to social and academic environments. Make provision for more students’ and master's theses to be published as articles in scientific journals, providing students with a greater return on the work they do.

  • Stimulate international mobility through Circle-U for students.

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More about research and innovation goals

Our main research and innovation goals are to strengthen the Faculty of Medicine as a leading research institution in line with the development of new knowledge and society's needs.

Our four sub-goals for research activities are:

1. Educate for research and innovation

We aim to:

  • Improve teaching on research processes and research-based knowledge in the programmes, including strengthening the research line and its recruitment.
  • Improve the PhD programme by:
    • Give research education a separate vice-dean in our deanery

    • Strengthen the education of research supervisors and the interaction between candidate and supervisor

    • Improve the evaluation of applications and procedures during the admission process

    • Implement measures to improve the completion of doctoral degrees (counselling, stimulation funds, etc.)

    • Organising annual PhD days 

  • Implement other measures to streamline and improve the PhD programme by following up previous external evaluation of the PhD programme:
    • Simplify case management

    • Coordinate PhD courses with teaching in the faculty's other study programmes

    • Coordinate PhD courses with course activities nationally

    • Strengthen education in research ethics and integrity

  • Strengthen postdoctoral follow-up at the faculty and facilitating targeted career development
    • Further develop and expand the postdoctoral programme

    • Stimulate management to provide guidance for career development

  • Work to ensure optimal working and salary conditions for PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows
  • Clarify and reinforce research support at the faculty and departments and the interaction between the faculty and partners at hospitals and in other parts of the university
    • Simplify case management

    • Provide support for entering into agreements, appointments, hearings, applications 

  • Further develop support functions and education in innovation, and making these services more known in the organisation

2. Stimulate research and innovation

We aim to:

  • Stimulate our researchers to:
    • Develop outstanding research and innovation in medicine and health

    • Harness our unique opportunities for convergence and translation in research, thereby gaining new insights, new medical knowledge, better treatment options and better development of health services

    • Purposefully apply for external funding for research and innovation projects, both nationally and internationally

    • Be active social actors as mediators in both academia and in society at large

  • Stimulate closer collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine and university hospitals, as well as the industry, concenring translational research and clinical studies
  • Further develop collaboration between the Faculty of Medicine and hospitals on ethics and integrity issues
  • Increase engagement with research in both primary and basic education
    • Research events, research days
  • Highlight research as a career path and help make it more attractive
    • Motivational meetings

    • Facilitate good career development 

    • Stimulate flexible educational pathways for "lifelong learning" for all types of students

  • Contribute to national meetings for researchers at all levels (research-line students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows) and inspire targeted national collaboration

  • Reward researchers at the Faculty of Medicine for their work to develop and graduate researchers (research-line students, PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows)

3. Challenge research and innovation

We aim to:

  • Establish a roadmap for the further development of collaborative relationships with all funders – nationally and internationally

  • Establish new relationships with new research funders

  • Follow up the processes regarding changes in the Research Council in relation to the Faculty of Medicine  

  • Establish schemes to ensure more efficient transitions between different short-term research projects; work to ensure "long-term research"

4. Collaborate on research and innovation

We aim to:

  • Based on the unique collaboration opportunities between the faculty and university hospitals, further develop joint research support schemes and collaboration on research projects, particularly collaboration on clinical studies and major research applications by, for example
    • Further developing the collaboration with a joint platform for research ethics and integrity  

    • Further developing collaboration on core facilities, laboratories, comparative medicine and biobanks

    • Further develop work with global challenges such as the environment and sustainability, antibiotic resistance and pandemics

    • Building on the unique combination of expertise and data, showcasing the opportunities offered to funders, and adding specific action points to the funding roadmap

    • Prioritising European collaboration in health research and influencing and participating in future EU initiatives in all fields relevant to the faculty and hospitals

  • Based on the collaboration opportunities between the Faculty of Medicine, other faculties at the University of Oslo, industry and external partners
    • Be a transparent and actionable partner in basal, translational, convergence, clinical and health research
  • Work to ensure the close integration of medical research and education in the Life Sciences Building

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Good luck with the election!

We would urge anyone who has the right to vote in the Dean's Election at the Faculty of Medicine in September 2022 to participate with input and use their voting rights. 

Contact information:

By Dean Candidate Hanne Flinstad Harbo with team
Published Aug. 16, 2022 10:11 AM - Last modified Aug. 24, 2022 1:45 PM