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Team Flinstad Harbo

The time has come for a dean election at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Oslo. We want to offer new perspectives and new involvement in the management of the Faculty of Medicine in the coming years.

From left: Eli Feiring, Magnus Løberg, Hanne Flinstad Harbo, Jan Bjålie and Grete Dyb. Photo: Hanne Flinstad Harbo, UiO.

We will build on the work and planning developed at the Faculty of Medicine by former deaneries and at the University of Oslo centrally, but our program has some clear priorities for the future.

Our team comprises highly engaged professionals who have broad expertise and experience of research, teaching, administration and management from multiple disciplines and different parts of the Faculty of Medicine. We emphasize the importance of representing the breadth of the faculty,  and we will create close and positive collaborations in the deanery team, with the faculty's other management and with students, staff and other partners. This will facilitate outstanding and innovative research and education and contribute to the development of the future health service for the benefit of both the individual and society.

Se our Election programme.

Team Flinstad Harbo:

  • Dean: Hanne Flinstad Harbo, Adjunct Professor at Klinmed
  • Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation: Jan G. Bjålie, Professor at IMB
  • Pro-Dean for studies: Magnus Løberg, Associate Professor at Helsam
  • Vice-Dean for Research and Research Education (50%): Grete Dyb, Adjunct professor at Klinmed
  • Vice-Dean for Bachelor and masterstudies (50%): Eli Feiring, Professor at Helsam

Hanne Flinstad Harbo – Dean candidate

Adjunct Professor Hanne Flinstad Harbo (MD, PhD, MHA) (b. 1963) graduated with a Candidate of Medicine degree from the University of Oslo in 1988 and became a specialist in neurology in 1997.   She has a PhD degree from  the Department of Immunology, University of Oslo in 2003 and has a Master's Degree in Health Management (MHA) from the University of Oslo in 2015..

She has worked as a consultant and researcher at the Department of Neurology at Oslo University Hospital (OUH) since 2003, and as Adjunct Professor of Neurology at the Department of Clinical Medicine from 2010, where she also was deputy to the head of institute  from 2015–2018. From 2018 she has been head of the Department of Neurology at OUH, which operates at both Ullevål and Rikshospitalet hospitals.  This department includes a large research section that focuses on clinical studies and translational research.

At the Institute of Clinical Medicine, most positions are combined positions (combination of consultant and adjunct professor positions), and for over 12 years Flinstad Harbo has worked at least 40% of the time on research and teaching. She has led the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Research Group at OUS/University of Oslo for many years, has supervised multiple PhD candidates, led local and international projects and research networks, been work package leader for EU projects, and has had research stays in Cambridge, England and at UCSF, USA.

She is co-editor of the leading Norwegian textbook on neuroscience for medical students. She has been and is a member of a number of Norwegian and international committees. For example, from 2018 she has been a member of the award committee for the University of Oslo’s awards for research, education, dissemination and innovation, and from 2020 has been a member of the Advisory Committee for the Kristian Georg Jebsen Foundation. From 2015 to 2018 she was also chair of the Norwegian Brain Council and helped lay the foundation for the first Norwegian "Brain Health Strategy".

Se the candidate presentation with proposers.

Jan G. Bjålie – Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation

Professor Jan G Bjålie (MD, PhD) is running for Vice Dean of Research and Innovation (100% position). He is a professor at the Institute of Basal Medical Sciences with broad research experience from international computer science projects. He had two periods as head of the Institute of Basal Medical Sciences and has also led international organisations for collaboration in research and development. From 2019 he has been head of infrastructure development in the European digital research infrastructure EBRAINS. He has extensive expertise and experience in order to further develop the research and innovation work at the Faculty of Medicine in the years to come.

Grete Dyb – Visedekan for forskning og forskerutdanning

Adjunct Professor Grete Dyb (MD, PhD) is running for Vice Dean of Research and Research Education (50% position). She is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine and a specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She has extensive experience in teaching and research supervision, is research leader at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies and for many years has chaired several research ethics committees – REK and NEM. She is particularly interested in research education, i.e. research-line, PhD and postdoctoral programmes becoming her area of responsibility and would like to closely cooperate with the research dean on research issues.

Magnus Løberg – Pro-Dean for studies

Associate Professor Magnus Løberg (MD, PhD) is running for our team as Vice Dean of Teaching (100% position). He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Health and Society, has had research stays at the Harvard School of Public Heath in the United States, and has been head of education at the Department of Health and Society from 2018. With this background, as one of three heads of education in medical studies, he has extensive experience of and significant involvement in the development of medical programmes and other educational programmes at the Faculty of Medicine. From 2015 he has been a member of the programme committee for the bachelor's programme in health management and health economics. From 2020 he has headed the Council for Method Assessment at OUS, and he also heads research projects in the Clinical Effectiveness Research Group.

Eli Feiring – Vice Dean for Bachelor and masterstudies

Adjunct Professor Grete Dyb (MD, PhD) is running for Vice Dean of Research and Research Education (50% position). She is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine and a specialist in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She has extensive experience in teaching and research supervision, is research leader at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies and has for many years chaired several research ethics committees – Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK) and The National Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (NEM). She is particularly interested in research education. The research program as part of the medical school, as well as the PhD- and postdoctoral programmes will be her area of responsibility.


By Dean candidate Hanne Flinstad Harbo with team
Published Aug. 16, 2022 6:53 AM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2023 9:34 AM