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Health for Ukraine

The Faculty of Medicine is hosting a large academic gathering in the University Aula to share knowledge about the situation and about effective measures in Norway and Ukraine.

The Ukraine demonstration passes the university buildings in the city centre. The Aula can be seen in the background

The Ukraine demonstration passes the university buildings in the city centre. The Aula can be seen in the background. Photo: Yngve Vogt/UiO

On 14 September, we invite those who are awarded Ukraine funding together with other committed academic communities to a large interdisciplinary meeting in the Aula: 

How can Norwegian health professionals best help and assist Ukrainian war victims?

We possess both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, we must now ensure that Norwegian health professionals and our researchers help Ukrainian war victims in the best possible way - now and as part of the country’s reconstruction after the war.

This applies to physical and psychological assistance to those who have come to Norway as refugees, to those receiving treatment and rehabilitation at hospitals in Norway, and to those who are in Ukraine.

The initiative is both a declaration of solidarity, a mapping of the platform of knowledge in terms of what we are contributing now, and what we can contribute later as part of the Norwegian aid package.

From the programme:

  • FLEEING – what does it have to do with health?      
    Expert lectures and panel discussions on topics such as: trauma from war and fleeing, best possible treatment, life as a refugee in Norway, children and war.
  • BATTLE – the soldier’s war. Injuries, treatment and follow-up. 
    Expert lectures and panel discussions on topics such as:
    • Injuries and surgical treatment.
    • Hospital treatment of resistant bacteria – how to meet the challenge?
    • Rehabilitation: What happens after specialised hospital treatment?
  • What is the University of Oslo doing for Ukraine and what can we contribute? 

There will also be several artistic contributions, appeals and greetings from representatives of the Ukrainian people and the embassy, management, researchers and health professionals associated with UiO, and political representatives from Norway.

We hope and believe that this day will provide knowledge and inspiration for everyone who works in this field.

The event will be held primarly in Norwegian and you can find the detailed program here (Norwegian version). 

Please register below - Welcome!


Published May 23, 2023 11:20 AM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 3:08 PM