2020 in Review

As we begin the start of a new year, Women in Global Health Norway reflects on some of the highlights and successes of 2020.

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As we begin the start of a new year, Women in Global Health Norway would like to reflect on some of the 2020 highlights and successes, from growing the WGH Norway team to launching a COVID 50/50 Taskforce and more. We are proud to be part of the Women in Global Health movement and proud of all the accomplishments this past year along with the other 23 chapters advocating for gender equality in global health leadership.

WGH Norway – Summing up 2020

WGH Norway expanded the team by appointing an Advisory Group and two Special Counselors. This group of experienced women will provide advice and suggestions to advance WGH Norway, ensuring processes supporting effective achievement of the national chapter's vision and mission. Meet the WGH Norway Team here!

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WGH Norway Members

A searchable member booklet has been created presenting an initial list of our members. We wish to highlight the broad and deep experience, expertise, passion, and diversity that exists among women working within the field of global health in Norway. We update the booklet regularly, members who would like to be added to the member booklet can complete this form with the necessary information.

2020 Events

WGH Norway hosted and co-hosted multiple events including its very first Annual Conference focusing upon the WGH Global’s Five Asks for Gender-Responsive Global Health Security. The Annual Conference was organized by one of the two ad-hoc taskforces led by chapter members. If you missed any of the events, please find the events listed below with access to view webinar recordings:

Open call for interest

After the successful WGH Norway 2020 Annual Conference focusing on global health security decision making structures and the importance of safe and decent working conditions for health workers, specifically for women, the WGH Norway Secretariat is announcing a new call of interest for organizing the 2021 Annual Conference. The WGH Norway Secretariat is seeking expressions of interest from the Norwegian landscape nationally to be appointed as an ad-hoc taskforce that will organize the next annual conference. More information about the open call can be found here!

New Publication

WGH Norway member, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik published the following commentary based on her contribution to the panel on the safety and security of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and other epidemics at the 2020 Annual Conference. Read the commentary: COVID-19 and the Law: Framing Healthcare Worker Risks as Women’s Rights Violations

COVID5050 Taskforce

Image may contain: Text, Interaction, Font, Azure, Aqua.In response to the lack of female leadership in initial COVID-19 responses, WGH Global launched an international campaign known as COVID 50/50. In support, WGH Norway initiated a COVID 50/50 Taskforce led by Advisory Group member, Candela Iglesias Chiesa. It includes three sub-groups who have been working on a variety of tasks and engaging many of the WGH Norway members. The engagement of these groups has been truly inspirational and much appreciated, and soon their findings will be shared through the WGH Norway channels.

Committments - UN General Assembly

During the 2020 UN General Assembly in September 2020, WGH Global in partnership with Wagner Foundation and Foreign Policy delivered a high-level Digital Summit. WGH announced commitments from institutions and individuals and pledges from governments that will further gender parity in global health security during COVID-19 and for the future of pandemic preparedness. With assistance from WGH Norway, two of the commitments came from Norway including the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and WONCA – World Organization of Family Doctors.

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WGH Global – Quick Summary

Achievements of 2020

Published Jan. 12, 2021 11:00 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2023 4:13 PM