Interventions and measurements for health literacy and self-management -Acting on non-communicable diseases (NCD) in primary health care

This course focuses on interventions and measurements for health literacy and self-management for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the context of primary health care (PHC), based on current research and theory in the field.

Globally, fifteen million deaths attributed to NCDs occur among people aged between 30 and 69 years. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 3.4 states that by 2030, the mortality rate from NCDs must be reduced by one-third. Hence, urgent action is required in order to reduce risk factors and consequent premature mortality related to NCDs. The World Health Organization (WHO) points to health literacy (HL) as an essential factor for self-management for the prevention and control of NCDs throughout all stages of life. Hence, knowledge of effective interventions and valid measurements for self-management and health literacy are of crucial importance.   


PhD candidates from universities and colleges in Norway and EEA can apply for the course. However, PhD candidates of the National Graduate-level Research School of Municipal Healthcare Services will be given first priority. Documentation of admission to a PhD programme is required, or a letter from your supervisor confirming the status and progression of your PhD work.

Final deadline for registration: 7 October 2019.


Offered as an independent course: Yes.

Learning outcomes:

With this course, the student will be able to integrate health literacy and self-management in research, and impart and discuss issues related to health literacy and self-management in the context of NCD and PHC:

  • Understand and critically reflect on health literacy and self-management as concepts, their relationships and their relevance for health outcomes, health services and health care professionals.
  • Understand and critically reflect on approaches to measurement and how to research health literacy and self-management in the context of primary health care
  • Give examples and discuss possible interventions to enhance health literacy to improve active self-management and promote better health outcomes for people with NCDs.

Course content:

  • NCD, health literacy and self-management – policy and strategies.
  • NCD health care challenges in the primary health care setting.
  • Concepts and theories of health literacy and self-management.
  • Research approaches for health literacy, self-management and self-management support.
  • Interventions and measurements to promote and support self-management and health in the context of NCD and primary health care – a whole system approach.
  • Ethical and cultural dilemmas in health literacy and self-management support.
  • Aspects of eHealth literacy.

Mode of delivery: Face to face.

Learning activities and teaching methods: Lectures, exercises and discussions.


Each participant will write an assignment (approx. 3500 words). The assignment should be an essay discussing theory, research design and methodological aspects related to health literacy and self-management in your research setting. The assignment will be assessed as Pass/Fail.


Required, recommended and further reading, see list here

Required reading:

Batterham RW, Hawkins M, Collins PA, Buchbinder R, Osborne RH.  Health literacy: applying current concepts to improve health services and reduce health inequalities.  Public Health 2016; 132: 3-12.

Recommended reading:

Batterham R, Buchbinder R, Beauchamp A, Dodson S, Elsworth GE, and Osborne RH. The OPtimising HEalth LIterAcy (Ophelia) process: study protocol for using health literacy profiling and community engagement to create and implement health reform. BMC Public Health 2014 14:694


Course schedule:

Course schedule, here

Tuesday, November 12 (12.00 – 17.45) 

Wednesday, November 13 (09.00 – 17.30)

Thursday, November 14 (09.00 – 14.30)

Travel arrangement:

Participants are responsible for booking their own travel and accommodation. PhD students of the National Graduate-level Researcher School of Municipal Healthcare Services (Forskerskolen MUNI-HEALTH-CARE) are eligible to apply for reimbursement of travel expenses for up to 5000 NOK. The travel policy of the Graduate School (MUNI-HEALTH-CARE) applies. 


Publisert 23. apr. 2019 10:36 - Sist endret 18. juni 2024 11:49