Treating avoidant personality disorder

Combined group and individual therapy for patients with avoidant personality disorder.


Avoidant personality disorder (AVPD) is a common personality disorder, both in the general population and among patients within specialist mental health services. The personality problems are characterized by feelings of inferiority and inadequacy leading to social restriction and loneliness. The more severe situations render significant difficulties in education and work.

Nonetheless, research on AvPD is scarce, and there is a lack of development and systematic evaluation of treatment that specifically addresses AVPD.

The AVPD project was initiated as a pilot study focusing on the development and evaluation of a treatment program for patients with AVPD. The pilot was conducted at Oslo University Hospital, where the treatment combines elements of mentalization-based treatment and metacognitive interpersonal therapy.


The pilot investigation includes quantitative evaluation of clinical status before treatment, clinical changes and treatment processes during treatment and clinical status after treatment for the 28 enrolled patients. The pilot also includes qualitative investigations of treatment experiences.

The project will enable studies of treatment processes, and the results can contribute to further development of AVPD specialized treatment. The pilot data collection including follow-up interviews is completed (2012-2021), and data analyses and publication are in progress.

Follow-up projects

Further multi-centre investigation of AVPD treatment is scheduled in larger samples (N=approximately 550) as a part of the TREATPD project. This data collection was completed in 2022 (2017-2022). Applications for external funding for PhD are ongoing (Principal investigator: Theresa Wilberg).


The research focus has contributed to the initiation and continuation of the Research Network for Avoidant Personality Disorder.


  • Outpatient unit, Section for Personality Psychiatry and Specialized Treatments, Oslo University Hospital
  • Department for Research and Innovation, Oslo University Hospital
  • Unit for adult psychiatry, Institute for Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
  • Norwegian Network for Personality disorder (TREATPD involves all units within the Network for Personality Disorders)

Principle investigator

Theresa Wilberg


  • Wilberg, T., Pedersen, G., Bremer, K., Johansen, M. S., & Kvarstein, E. H. (2023). Combined group and individual therapy for patients with avoidant personality disorder - A pilot study. Frontiers in Psychiatry.14:1181686. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1181686
Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2023 1:28 PM