Investigating the utility of treatment


The multicentre TREATPD study addresses the application and benefits of treatment for people with personality disorders (PD) as conducted in Norwegian mental health services. It investigates utility of treatment.

Although several evidence-based PD treatments are recommended, studies investigating applied PD services are lacking. The TREATPD study represents uniquely large-scale PD health service research with direct relevance as a multifaceted investigation of how PD treatments work in practice. By collaboration with the Norwegian Network for Personality disorders, the TREATPD study includes a broad range of patients reflecting PD problems evident in clinical practice.


TREATPD has a longitudinal design involving clinical units across health regions within the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders. Repeated assessments are integrated in clinical practice throughout treatment and a five year data collection is completed in 2022 (N>1000).


The project gives grounds for several PhD projects. Applications for external funding are currently ongoing.

  1. TREATING PD: Patient selection, treatment alliance and patient satisfaction, clinical outcomes (improvement of personality problems, work and social functioning) and the applied format of treatment. External collaborations: Mathias Frøyhaug, Kjell-Einar Zahl, Johan Siqveland (all Akershus University Hospital)
  2. THE COST OF PD: Service costs, productivity, and cost-effectiveness of treatment. Principle investigator: Elfrida Hartveit Kvarstein. Network for Personality disorders: Geir Pedersen. External collaborations: Vidar Halsteinli (NTNU), Carl Aksel Sveen (Vestre Viken Health Trust)
  3. AVOIDANT PD (see separate project descriptions here)
  4. SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND PD (se separate project descriptions here)

Data from TREATPD are basis for several additional longitudinal research foci involving the research group. The following areas are scheduled:

  • Specific aspects of personality functioning
  • Personality Disorder and PTSD
  • Studies of treatment process and alliance

Principle investigator and coordinator

Elfrida Hartveit Kvarstein, Oslo University Hospital / University of Oslo


  • Kvarstein, E. H., Frøyhaug, M., Pettersen, M., Carlsen, S., Ekberg, D. G. A., Fjermestad-Noll, J., Ulvestad, D. A., Gikling, E. L., Hjermann, E., Lindberget, K., Omvik, S., Eikenæs, I. U-M., Hummelen, B., Morken, K. T. E., Wilberg, T., & Pedersen, G. A. F. (2023). Improvement of Personality Functioning among People treated within Personality Disorder Mental Health Services. A Longitudinal, Observational Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14.
  • Sveen, C. A., Pedersen, G., Ulvestad, D. A., Zahl, K. E., Wilberg, T., & Kvarstein, E. H. (2023). Societal costs of personality disorders: A cross‐sectional multicenter study of treatment‐seeking patients in mental health services in Norway. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1-18. DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23504
  • Sveen C-A., Pedersen, G., Hummelen, B., & Kvarstein, E. H. (2023). Societal costs of personality disorders among treatment-seeking patients in Norway: the relative contribution of specific DSM-5 categories. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience. doi: 10.1007/s00406-023-01655-1
  • Sveen, C.-A., Pedersen, G., Hummelen, B., & Kvarstein, E. H. (2023). Personality disorders - The impact of severity on societal costs. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.

Master theses

  • Benjamin Skallerud (2023). På grensen mellom kjønn og system - Et empirisk speciale om manifestasjonen av borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse hos menn i et norsk pasientutvalg. Psykologisk institutt, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark.
  • Emma Marie Birkelund Bendiksen (2023). Understanding borderline personality disorder as a childhood trauma response Childhood traumas relation to borderline personality disorder, and the differentiation of borderline personality disorder from complex PTSD. Master thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.
  • Ingrid Julie Nærø Tangen (2022). Hva kjennetegner pasienter som har både emosjonelt ustabil og -unnvikende personlighetsforstyrrelse, sammenliknet med pasienter -som kun har én av disse diagnosene? - En kvantitativ undersøkelse på data fra Nettverk for Personlighetsforstyrrelser. Hovedoppgave, Psykologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Aryan Aghdami (2022). Meaning in Life Among Personality Disorders - A Cross-Sectional Study with Norwegian Outpatients. Master thesis, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society.
Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 5:34 PM