Norwegian version of this page

Dealing with accidents and spills

All use of GMOs must be contained. All discharges of active material must be treated as an accident. This is the NCMM procedure for dealing with accidents or release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Measures concerning adverse events

The purpose of the procedure is to protect health and environment.

  • Adverse events with release of GMO must be limited as far as possible to prevent that pollutant GMO material from contained use contaminates area, people or the drainage system.
  • Specified measures must be implemented - for example disinfection instructions or other relevant measures according to the risk assessment of the experiment/ procedure.
  • Adverse events with contained use of GMOs must immediately be reported in writing according to the current routine at the University.
  • The report will immediately be followed-up by people in charge.

The relevant group leader responsible must within the same day report emissions of GMO material to the Norwegian Directorate of Health by email to:

The following information must be given:

  • The circumstances of the incident. What happened, and why did it happen?
  • The identity and quantity of GMO released.
  • Information required to assess the effects of the accident on public health and the environment.
  • Protective measures that have been implemented.


Procedures for adverse events

Norwegian Directorate of Health


Published Mar. 29, 2016 10:53 AM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2021 1:41 PM