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Information for users of the Section of Comparative Medicine (KPM)

Information on prices, guidelines, manuals, approval application forms and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) in use at KPM.

Guidelines and user manuals

Standard operating procedures (SOP's)

In order to access the section's facilities SOP's must be followed. These describe the required routines for quarantine, attire, handling of animals and equipment and other procedures. The purpose of the SOP's is to standardize the work task; ensure a good and safe work environment, ensure good animal welfare, prevent infections and maintain an optimum level of hygiene. All relevant SOP's are mandatory for the individual. 

All SOP's have been professionally edited by Deborah Ann Arnfinsen.

SOPs for OITL-lab belonging to Syklotron Senteret:

SOPs from Farrukh Chaudhry regarding Xenopus Lævis (frogs)


If you wish to give feedback on the SOP's, please send a message to the Head of Department.


The fire instructions describe the plan for evacuation of personnel and visitors during fire/ emergency in KPM. The procedure should ensure life and health and prevent GMOs from escaping into the wild.

Prices each week/pr. cage for housing animals 2024*

 Prices pr. week Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
Price type Conventional MDU Barrier, KPME
Mice Rat Mice Rat Mice Rat
 IMB user            123            135            100            111            137            147
 UiO (not IMB) and OUS associated with UIO             219            231            178            188 By agreement
 Other Academy            294            307            239            250 By agreement 
 Other commercial users  By agreement

* Prices will be adjusted annual in January according to the consumer price index


Additional services*


Price per mouse

Price per rat

Blood sampling

65 NOK

193 NOK

Intravenous injection

116 NOK

232 NOK

Intraperitoneal injection

51 NOK

205 NOK

Subcutanous injection        

51 NOK

205 NOK

Termination of healthy animals


26 NOK

Plug check

12 NOK


Re- tags with biopsies

12 NOK

26 NOK

Tags without biopsies



Extended health check both mice and rats 15 NOK

Hourly rate for other technical assistance: 655 NOK

Prices are listed without VAT

Prices include preparation of procedure and equipment

* Prices will be adjusted annual in January according to the consumer price index

User manuals for equipment

Recommended reading

European commision



Published Mar. 19, 2019 9:53 AM - Last modified Apr. 9, 2024 7:08 AM