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Block 1: Statistics, health, biology and society

No resources for block 1 at The Skills Centre.


Block 2: Cell biology


Skill Resource
Use a light microscope to describe histological preparations Thorax, abdomen and microscopy room


Block 3: Blood, immunology, microbiology og thorax


Skill Resource
Recognize lymphatic tissue and reflect on the correlation between structure and functions in the immune system Thorax, abdomen and microscopy room


Skill Resource
Perform capillary and venous blood sampling including adequate measures to avoid contamination Infusion, catheterization and suturing room (venous blood sampling only)


Skill Resource
Make, stain and perform a microscopic evaluation of microbiological preparations Thorax, abdomen and microscopy room (microscopic evaluation only)


Published Oct. 2, 2014 12:37 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2014 2:16 PM