Research projects

Our research projects focus on core aspects of personality disorder, classification and assessment, and treatment.

Studies of personality functioning, comorbidity and genetics

Personality disorder classification and assessment

  • Nor-AMP - The Norwegian Multicentre Study of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders.
  • Nor-AMP-J - The Norwegian Multicentre Study of the DSM-5 Alternative Model for Personality Disorders - Junior
  • PersoniCAT - Supporting specialized psychiatric care in remote areas.
  • Psychometric evaluations - Studies of reliability and validity of measurements and measurement methods.

Treatment, costs, and habilitation

  • The multicentre TREATPD study - Utility of implemented treatment in mental health services for people with personality disorders. The project is a current collaboration within the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders with a five-year data collection period (2017-2022). It includes separate work packages: TREATING PD and COSTS of PD.
  • The TREATPD-SUD study - Expanding knowledge of patients with dual Personality Disorder/Substance-Use Disorder.
  • Minding mentalizing - A separate single-centre study within the framework of TREATPD, overall title: “Reflective functioning and psychotherapy processes in Mentalization-based treatment”, and the PhD project: “The Mentalization Breakdown Interview (MBI): a new method for the assessment of mentalizing capacity in research and clinical practice”.
  • Treating avoidant personality disorder - Pilot and multicentre studies based on data from the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders including the TREATPD period.
  • Metacognitive interpersonal therapy in group (MIT-G) for patients with avoidant personality disorder. A treatment study.
  • Therapist countertransference - PhD project: "Countertransference in the treatment of patients with personality disorders". A multicentre study sample based on data from the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders.
  • The Antisocial Project - A Feasibility Study of Mentalization Based Treatment for Antisocial Personality Disorder in Norway.
  • Borderline personality disorder and mentalization-based treatment - Single centre and Multicentre study samples based on data from the Norwegian Network for Personality Disorders including TREATPD.
  • The Corona-project - Survey on mental distress, treatment situation, and social consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, first wave among patients with personality disorder. Project title: “Vulnerability of personality disorder during COVID-19 crises: a multicenter survey among patients referred to treatment”

Qualitative studies

Other clinical studies with research group involvement

Clinical projects in initial planning phase

  • Minding ordinary life - Short-term mentalization-based treatment as a booster of occupational habilitation for young adults with personality problems – a randomized controlled trial (more information to come)
  • Bridging affect consciousness, mentalization and trauma - Project development is in progress and will involve a ten-year data collection period aiming to provide grounds for both qualitative and quantitative studies in an RCT framework comparing MBT programs with and without an add-on intervention focusing on affect consciousness.
Published Feb. 22, 2022 2:48 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2024 8:31 AM